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Apple Blossom

On-Site Garden Design: SE Queensland

Online Garden Design: Australia wide

Rhaphiolepis Apple Blossom

A neat, rounded, evergreen shrub with shiny, dark green, serrated leaves.

In spring this shrub is almost completely covered with masses of star shaped pink flowers that are tinged with white.

Height & Width

1-1.5M x 1.5M


Full sun to part shade.


Adapts to a wide range of soils.


Low water requirement once established.


Apply a general purpose fertiliser, but if soil is good you would be able to get away without fertilising.



John's landscape suggestions:

General garden planting.

Excellent low prune hedge.

Ideal for patio pots.

Ideal for low maintenance garden and difficult sites with dry or poor soil.

Growing tips:

Prune when young to encourage dense growth habit.

Low maintenance.

Mulch 50mm thick to retain moisture in soil and suppress weeds.

Best Climate:

Cool temperate

Warm temperate


John van den Brink from Planting Solutions in Brisbane

Hi I'm John van den Brink (Garden Designer). With my extensive horticultural knowledge, (40 years in the Retail & Wholesale Nursery Industry as well as Garden Design) 

I have a plant database for 5 different climate zones of Australia, I have the Planting Solution for you so that you can gain the garden you always wanted.

Call me on 0416 603 717 for complimentary chat about your garden project!
Baeckea Virgata Miniature (dwarf) flowering.
Baeckea Virgata Miniature (dwarf) in a pot plant
Baeckea Virgata Miniature (dwarf) in a landscaped home garden

Fast Facts:

  • Full sun / part shade
  • Height 1-1.5M width 1.5M
  • Hedging plant
  • Spring flowering
  • Coastal conditions
  • Space .8M apart
  • Frost tolerant
  • Drought tolerant
  • Salt spray tolerant
  • Poor soil tolerant
  • Looks good mass planted
  • Evergreen
  • Mulch well


Tough as.

Just needs a bit of pruning when young to encourage dense growth habit.

Various Landscape Design Styles

Native | Formal | Cottage | Modern | Tropical

Call John van den Brink now on 0416 603 717

Plant it Right the First Time


Climate zone codes for this list:

(A) Cool temperate

(B) Warm temperate

(C) Sub-tropical

(D) Tropical

(E) Arid

Full sun / part shade plants

Grasses / Strappy leaf plants

Aloe ‘mighty orange’ .7M x .7M succulent, flowers winter, frost sensitive, great for pots (ABCDE)
Agapanthus perpetual peace .5M x .6M white flowers Oct to May (ABCD)
Agapanthus purple cloud .9M x 1M deep blue flowers (ABCD)
Dietes iridioides .6M x .6M (ABCE)
Ficinia nodosa 1.2M x .6M (native) (ABCDE)
Lomandra longifolia .6M x .6M (native) (ABCDE)
Ophiopogon stripey white .4M x.4M (ABCD)
Pennisetum nafray .6M x .6M non invasive (native) (ABC)
Tulbaghia violacea .4M x .4M (ABCDE)
Yucca spellbound 1.2M x .8M (great for pots) (ABCDE)

Ground covers

Aptenia baby sunrose .2M x 2M (ABCDE)
Banksia spinulosa ‘coastal cushion’ .5M x 1.5M hairpin banksia (native)(ABCDE)
Convolvulus sabatius ‘two moons’ .1M x .6m mauve & white flowers (ABE)
Gardenia radicance .3M x 1M (ABCD)
Gazania grey leaf yellow .2M x .8M (ABCDE)
Grevillea cooroora cascade .3M x 2M excellent low growing ground cover (native) (BCD)
Grevillea gaudi chaudi .2M x 3M (native) (ABCD)
Grevillea rasperry ripple .6M x 1M flowers all year (native) (AB)
Juniper conferta .2M x 1.5M (shore juniper) (ABCDE)
Loropetalum chinense ‘purple pixie’ .5M x 1.5M (ABCD)
Mesembryanthemum orange .1M x 1.5M (BCD)
Rhagodia spinescens SAB01 ‘Aussie flat bush’ .4M x 1M frost to -5 (native) (ABCE)
Scaevola mauve clusters .1M x 1M long lived variety (native) (ABC)
Trachelospermum tricolour .2M x 1.5M (BCD)

Landscape Plants < 1M

Baeckea virgata dwarf .5M x 1M (native) (ABCD)
Banksia spinulosa honey pots 1M x 1M (native) (BCD)
Buxus ‘japanese box’ 1-2M x 1.2M (keep pruned to .9M x .9M as a hedge (ABC)
Callistemon matthew flinders 1M x 1M (native) (ABCD)
Carrisa desert star 1M x 1.5M (ABCDE)
Convolvulus cneorum .6M x 1.2M white flowers (ABE)
Crassula crosby’s red .8M x .8M succulent, frost sensitive (ABCDE)
Echeveria agavoides ‘red edge’ .15M x .25M succulent, dark red edges, frost sensitive (ABCDE)
Euonymus tom thumb .5M x .3M as a hedge (AB)
Euphorbia ‘stardust’ .5M x.5M flowers all year (BCD)
Euphorbia ‘diamond frost’ 1M x 1M flowers all year (BCD)
Geranium big red / big rose / big white .4M x .4M (ABCE)
Grevillea amethyst 1M x 1.2M flowers late spring. Spot flowers throughout the year (native) (ABC)
Grevillea autumn waterfall 1M x 2M flowers winter-spring (native) (BCD)
Grevillea honeybird yellow 1M x 1M flowers all year (native) BCD)
Grevillea red clusters 1M x 1M (native)(ABC)
Hebe emerald green .4M x .5M neat, tight, dense, bright green rounded dwarf shrub (AB)
Lavandula dentata ‘monet’ 1M x 1M green foliage (ABC)
Lavandula dentata ‘frenchette’ dwarf 1M x 1M (ABC)
Leptospermum pink cascade .8M x 1.5M pink flowers, spring and autumn, cascading growth habit (native) (ABC)
Loropetalum chinensis ‘bobz red’ 1M x 1M red flowers (keep pruned to .8M x .8M as a hedge) (ABCD)
Melaleuca little red 1M x 1M (native) (BCD)
Nandina domestica nana .8M x .8M (ABCDE)
Nandina obsession .7M x .7M (ABCDE)
Penstemon garnet 1M x 1M (AB)
Rhaphiolepis indica ‘oriental pearl’ 1M x 1.5M rounded habit (ABCDE)
Russelia ruby falls 1M x 1M (spreads a bit) (ABCDE)
Salvia leucantha ‘santa barbara’ .8M x .9M (ABC)
Salvia mystic spires .5M x .5M mauve flowers (ABCD)
Thuja aurea nana 1M x .7M in 10 years 1.5M at maturity (ABC)
Thuja morgan .7M x .7M in 10 years
Westringia deep purple 1M x 1M (native) (ABC)
Westringia smokey (variegated) 1M x 1M (native) (ABC)
Zamia furfuracea cardboard plant 1.2M x 1.5M (has small thorns) (BCDE)

Landscape Plants 1-2M

Adenium desert rose 1.5M x 1M great for pots, succulent, frost sensitive (BCDE)
Alyogyne delightfully double 1.8M x 1.8M double pink flowers (native hibiscus) (AB)
Banksia spinulosa 1.5M x 1.5M (native) (ABCDE)
Callistemon captain cook 1.5M x 1.5M (native) (ABCDE)
Chamelaucium ‘little lorey’ 1.2M x 1M white flowers winter-spring (native) (AB)
Euphorbia tirucalli firesticks 1.2-1.8M x .8M frost sensitive (BCD)
Grevillea amy lou 2M x 1.8M (native) (BCD)
Grevillea bon accord 2.5M x 2.5M (native) (BCD)
Grevillea border red 1.5M x 1.5M (native) (ABC)
Grevillea golden lyre 2M x 4M (native) (BCD)
Grevillea lolly pops 2M x 3M (native) (BCD)
Grevillea scarlet moon 1.6M x 1.6M (native) (ABC)
Grevillea superb 2M x 2M apricot flowers (native) (BCD)
Leptospermum tickled pink 1.8M x 1.5M (native) (BCD)
Loropetalum plum georgeous 1.5M x 2M (ABCD)
Nandina domestica 2M x .9M Great for narrow spots (ABCDE)
Rhaphiolepis apple blossom 1.5M x 2M (1.2M x 1.2M as a hedge) (ABCDE)
Tibouchina cameleon 1.8M x 1.5M (BCD)
Tibouchina jazzi 1.5M x 1.5M (BCD)

Landscape Plants 2-4M

Alyogyne west coast gem 2.5M x 2.5M deep blue flowers (native hibiscus) (AB)
Bamboo gracilis 6M x 1.5M non clumping variety. Will grow in a garden bed as narrow as .5M (ABCD)
Bamboo gold stripe 4M x 2M non clumping variety. Will grow in a garden bed as narrow as .5M (ABCD)
Callistemon all aglow 2.5M x 1.5M pink flowers (native) (ABCDE)
Callistemon kings park special 4M x 3M (gets lots of red flowers in spring (native) (ABCDE)
Camellia sasanqua assorted varieties 3M x 2M flowers autumn-winter (part shade AB) (full sun/part shade C)
Ficus pumila 3M x 4M self climbing plant (ABCD)
Grevillea honey gem 4M x 3M (native) (BCD)
Grevillea yamba sunshine 3.5M x 4M (native) (BCD)
Juniper blue arrow 3-4M x .5M in 10 years. 5M x .7M at maturity, blue-green foliage, tight growth habit, no nuts, does not have branch flop (AB)
Leptospermum lemon hedge 3M x 2M (keep pruned to 2M x 1.2M as a hedge) (ABCD)
Murraya sweet privacy 2.5M x 1.5M (keep pruned to 1.5-2M x 1M as a hedge) (compact form of murraya) (BCD)
Magnolia genie 3-4M x 2M upright growth habit, magenta flowers late winter (AB)
Magnolia teddy bear 4M x 2.5M (ABCD)
Pandorea ‘rosy belles’ 3M x 3.5M dark pink flowers, climber (native) (ABCD)
Pandorea lady di 3M x 4M white lowers, climber (native) (ABCD)
Photinia red robin 3M x 2M (keep pruned to 1.5M-2M x 1M as a hedge) (ABCD)
Syzygium cascade 3-4M x 3M (native) (BCD)
Syzygium winter lights 3-4M x 2.5M (keep pruned to 1.5-2M x 1.2M as a hedge) (native) (ABCD)
Thuja occidentalis smaragd 2.5M x 1M in 10 years, mature height 3-4M x 1.5M (ABC)
Tibouchina illusion 2.5M x 2.5M flowers open white with pink margins and then age to deep pink tones giving a multi coloured effect (BCD)
Trachelospermum star jasmin 3M x 3M climber (ABCD)
Wisteria amethyst falls (continuous flowering variety) 3M x 4M climber (ABC)

For more information on each landscape plant go to the; 'Outstanding Performance Range' page.


- Online garden design Australia wide

The most important aspect of an appealing low maintenance garden is choosing the right plants. With our extensive horticultural knowledge and plant database, we have the planting solution for you!

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